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Apakah Puisi Bisa Dibatasi - Apakah Puisi Bisa Dibatasi? (Oleh Thobroni dosen UBT) Kita sering melihat sebuah ungkapan yang indah, baik kata-kata tokoh, ujaran bijaksana, atau periba...9 tahun yang lalu
Finding your Mjolinir, unleash the power within - *What will happen to the atmosphere when the earth lose its gravity? What will happen to matter when it collide with its hypocrite antimatter? What will...9 tahun yang lalu
7 Lelucon iPhone 6 Bengkok Paling Lucu (Gambar dan Video) - iPhone baru-baru ini mengenalkan jajaran terbarunya yang dinamai iPhone 6 dan iPhone 6+. Bagi Apple fan boy tentu ini adalah sebuah berita yang ditunggu-t...10 tahun yang lalu
Avatar The Last Air Bender The Legend Of Ang - Book 1 Episode 4 (subtitle Indonesia ) - [image: the legend of ang book 1 episode 1 - 5] FORMAT : AVI (HARD SUB) QUALITY : 720p (960x720) VOICE : ENGLISH SUBTITLE : INDONESIA *Episode Empat: Prajur...11 tahun yang lalu
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Mengulik hal yang tak pernah berubah - " Satu hal yang tak pernah berubah adalah PERUBAHAN itu sendiri " Mengulik kata mutiara secara ringan, Tak pernah berubah artinya TETAP, sedang perubahan it...12 tahun yang lalu
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Stevie Ray Vaughan - The Sky Is Crying - 1. Boot Hill 2. The Sky Is Crying 3. Empty Arms 4. Little Wing 5. Wham! 6. May I Have A Talk With You 7. Close To You 8. Chitlins Con Carne 9. So Excited ...16 tahun yang lalu
Free Download Software
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Get $27 just register
Rabu, 09 September 2009
ProfiCAD 5.5
Selasa, 08 September 2009
Signature Maker 2.0
Create a Professional Looking Signature in Minutes. Highly Customizable. Includes more than 93 Cool Fonts to fit your unique style and 87 Extra Pre-made Themed Backgrounds Download : Or
*To install the new fonts all you need to do is copy and paste the files to:
"C:\WINDOWS\Font s"
*Use the Import feature to use the 87 extra pre-made themed backgrounds.
Vista Boot Pro 3.3
Install a second OS or manage your boot configuration without directly editing the BCDEdit file. Download :
As you likely now realize, Windows Vista has made this task somewhat complicated for most users.
VistaBootPRO was developed to make changes to the Windows Vista Boot Configuration Data (BCD) registry quickly and easily, doing the job in a fraction of the time it would take using the
alternative. The only other way to edit the BCD is to use the command prompt application
"bcdedit.exe," located in the Windowssystem32 folder of Windows Vista, which requires users
to become familiar with the ins and outs of the bcdedit.exe switches and options, leaving
many frustrated users in its path. VistaBootPRO allows users to easily and neatly organize their boot configuration entries from within all flavors of Windows.
So now that you know why the program might be useful for you and/or your business, you're probably wondering about the support for this application. PROnetworks was a community built on free support, and VistaBootPRO is no different.
System Requirements:
Windows XP (Home, PRO, x64, MCE 2005), 2003 Server, Vista, or Longhorn Server. All systems must have
.NET 2.0 Framework
Designed for both beginners and advanced users, VistaBootPRO can be used to make "cosmetic" changes to the Windows Vista boot Menu such as changing the name of the Operating Systems shown in the boot menu and make advanced "functional" changes like adding an Operating System to the boot menu and repairing the Windows Vista boot configuration data. Advanced settings include backing up and exporting your boot loader configuration and modifying various details for the entries. Included in this latest release are additional features, including a built-in help file and more advanced boot configuration options.
For those who have had to use the command prompt based bcdedit.exe in the past, you will be impressed with the ease of use and functionality that VistaBootPRO provides.
Note that Windows Vista is still a beta operating system, so future changes to the operating system may make VistaBootPRO function incorrectly. Check back for future updates when new editions of Vista are released. Preliminary testing indicates it is compatible with Vista Release Candidate.
Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009
Windows 7 v1.4 Release 3 activator
PFconfig port forward 1.0.238

Automatically forward your ports with PFConfig. If you are trying to run an application that requires ports to be forwarded, you can skip the work and just use PFConfig. With PFConfig, you don't have to learn how to setup your router. It's so easy to use, you just pick the program from a list and say 'Update Router'.
Automatically Forwards Ports
When you want to run an application that requires a port to be forwarded, with PFConfig all you have to do is select that application from the list and choose "Forward this App". If you want to forward different apps to different computers, you simply put the other computers address in and we take care of the rest.
Optimized Use of Ports
When you use PFConfig, our advanced optimization routines will actually combine multiple applications into less entries in your router. You can frequently forward more applications than your router would otherwise support.
Huge Increases in Security
When you use PFConfig, it is incredibly easy to forward ports as you need them, and turn them off when you do not. Turning off your forwarded ports when not in use is a huge increase in security.
Never Login to your Router Again
With PFConfig, you do not have to log in to your router to add and remove forwarded ports. Simply tell PFConfig which ports to forward and where to forward them, and the rest is taken care of for you. You can pretty much forget your routers password.
Check out the Tour
You won't believe how easy it is to use. Check out the tour here!
Fully Supported by
When you buy PFConfig, you are buying a dedicated support service who will help you get your ports forwarded. We have a support team here for you. If you are a PFConfig user and you need support, please go here.
What it doesn't do
* Please note that PFConfig does not configure your firewall, it only configures your port fowarding. You may still have to configure your firewall to get some applications to work.
* PFConfig only works with supported routers.
Download :
Senin, 10 Agustus 2009
Full Recall 1.4.6

The problem of forgetting
We do forget. Nothing stays in our brain forever without reviews. If something is important to you, you'll think about it from time to time?these repetitions, conscious or not, will reinforce your memory of this fact. We often come across new information and we want to keep it in memory even though we may not need it for the next weeks, months or even years. In order to not forget we have to do repetitions. However, how much time spent on repetitions is optimal? What is the optimal time of a review?
FullRecall is the solution here. Ensures that you remember new things, but don't forget what you have already memorized. Reviews are scheduled on days when you're close to forgetting, so sometimes you may actually forget an information, but FullRecall learns from these mistakes, self-corrects scheduling, to minimize chances of such lapses in the future.
In practice: how does work with FullRecall look like?
The software is similar to common flashcard programs: knowledge is stored in question-answer pairs. You add the question-answer pairs yourself (coming up with a concise, clear-cut question-answer pair, for every information, is a learning experience by itself), or use ready-made question-answer collections. In review mode you'll have presented the questions, one by one. To every question you'll think about an answer, and after a while you'll be confronted with the correct answer. After seeing the correct answer, you'll be asked for a grade that estimates how well you remembered the correct answer. The grade gives FullRecall a feedback. The program stores also other data, given current grade is able to schedule next optimal review time (and later learn itself if there was a mistake: if scheduled interval was too long or too short?i.e., if your grade on the next review is below or above "good"). With FullRecall you can learn new things fast, without worrying about repetitions of what you remember?the software assures that even if you forget something that is in your FullRecall learning database, you'll be soon reminded about it.
Price is US$35. Free version has the following limitations:
database size up to 500 elements
no network import/export: you cannot keep your learning database on a FullRecall server
no searching by "fuzzy matching"
no possibility to add images
no possibility to merge databases
no access to the online version
Selected features of the PC version
scheduling of repetitions is taken care of by neural network that learns about your pace of learning
support for Unicode, open file formats, images, sounds
text formatting (bold, underline, strikeout)
possibility to do almost everything from keyboard
multi-platform (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X (x86), Maemo (beta), and non-PC versions with limitations: Pocket-PC, online on the web)
network import/export
auto-backups with compression
graphical and textual statistics
auto-grab-clipboard mode to facilitate in rapid creation of question-answer collections
search supporting regular expressions and "fuzzy search"
no external dependencies, possibility to work from an USB memory stick without installing on every new computer
program is lightweight and fast; further development takes place, so you can expect new features and improvements
You are welcome to read what the users say or start gathering knowledge effectively with the help of FullRecall by downloading the program now.
Download :

Hora is KeepTool's flagship product for viewing and manipulating Oracle databases, and accommodates a variety of users. Primarily designed for both DBA's and developers, it can also help end users query data and generate simple reports. Thanks to its intuitive interface and the ability to preview SQL before execution, Hora does not require that you read the manual before using it.
Its object-oriented navigation system takes you to any database function within a few clicks.
Hora is compact. Everything you need to work with the database is in a single tool. Start-up time and resource usage are minimal.
HoraLight, which follows the design and usability principles of the full version of Hora, makes viewing and modifying tables, and producing simple or complex queries, something that end users can do for themselves with ease.
ER Diagrammer
KeepTool's Entity Relationship Diagrammer shows the tables and their relationships to each other systematically, according to the IDEF1X standard. ER Diagrammer can create an entity-relationship diagram from an existing database. Optionally, for a complex database, ER Diagrammer can generate diagrams for specific portions that you can select. Usually, the result will picture the tables in a manner that shows relationships with all parent tables to the left. If you prefer, you can rearrange the tables differently, and the connectors will follow along. The image can then be saved in a file for future display.
You can also use ER Diagrammer in conjunction with Hora, the parent of the KeepTool 8 family, to generate a data model for a new database. Simply use Hora to define tables�adding, dropping and renaming columns where necessary; then use ER Diagrammer to create a graphic view of your data model.
PL/SQL Debugger
KeepTool 8's PL/SQL Debugger gives you, the PL/SQL developer, all you need to test and debug code. You can set breakpoints and define watches for variables. Breakpoint lines are color-coded and can be removed or reset at will. In addition to the source display, there are separate windows that display watched variables, breakpoints and the call stack.
PL/SQL Debugger has been designed with the same emphasis on usability as Hora. This ensures that both tools are closely integrated. Using Hora and the Debugger together, you will be on your way to creating to creating efficient PL/SQL code.
System Requirements
Hora works with all Oracle versions from 7.2 on any platform.
(Earlier versions of Oracle do not include some of the features that Hora currently supports.)
Oracle SQL*Net Service Version 2 or higher
PC-compatible with Pentium processor
Windows XP (recommended), Windows 2000
Oracle SQL*Net Version 2 or higher
Download :
Data Guardian v1.6.8
regardless of how sensitive your data is. Create multiple databases in Data Guardian for a variety of purposes such as an address book, customer database, Christmas shopping list, journal, password manager, or even notepad.
Download :
Web2EBook 2.1

It can download entire website or download web pages, convert htm to chm or htm to text .It is a powerful chm maker, convert web to chm.
Web2EBook is a web spider. It provides accurate analysis of web content and penty interactive interface to select which htm pages to download, also you can specify which kind of resource to download.
Web2EBook is also an offline browser and view download web pages in it after download website.
Fast download website, convert htm to chm or htm to txt
* Downloading up to 20 files simultaneously , download any website to your hard drive completely or partially in minutes.
* Select the type of resource to download, such as image(jpg,gif), audio(mp3,wma,wav), video(flv,swf,wmv), etc
* Convert htm to chm or htm to text fast, watch directly in mobile device or sony PlayStation Portable(PSP)
Download website or download web pages which you wanted
* Download entire website(Auto mode) or choose download web page(Collection mode) ,and set download depth
* Auto mode, select pages freely when download website
* Collenttion mode, select related link pages you wanted before download website, which makes a good chm(web pages collentor)
* Set max web resource size, max number of resources, and can be changed in the process of download website
* Agents can set up to download website
* Change the HTML tag contained in the HTML pages
System requirement :
Windows system NT, 2K, XP, 2003, Vista
Download :
Universal Shield 4.2.1

A unique feature of Universal Shield is the perfect combination of data hiding and encrypting. This feature is very important nowadays when everybody knows that information is money, and information security and protection is very important.
The program has been especially designed to be the most flexible security tool on the market, suitable both for home use and in corporate environments.
Universal Shield features include hiding files, folders, and drives on a local computer from local users, including administrators; setting access rights for particular files and disks; and preventing the deletion of specific files. Password-protect your data, program start-up, or program uninstall.
Secure your data not only from local users, but network and Internet users as well. Use hotkeys to show and hide folders without actually running the program. Or, run the program in Stealth mode so that other users do not know about it. Set trusted processes, which will not be under protection; for example, some program will work with the hidden data, but users are unable to access that data.
The new Universal Shield includes a variety of new features. Data encryption is processed with the help of nine algorithms. A variety of security tricks is available as well - you can prohibit access to folders like My Documents, Favorites, and History, as well as restrict access to the Control Panel, or prevent desktop and date/time adjustment.
The new version also contains a wizard, which includes an option of restricting personal folders and settings, as well as files/folders/drives protection, a hiding expert, and a data encryption master.
Download :
Librarian Pro v1.4.4. PC Incl. Keymaker-CORE
Download :
SQLite Expert Professional v2.0.45-Lz0

BurnPro 4.1

Dot Copy CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs: Just insert a disc, select Copy to image/ Burn disc from image and youre ready to copy.
What can you do with BurnPro?
Burn your music!
Create Audio CDs
- Audio CDs can be played on any CD Player
- WAV/MP3/WMA and Ogg Vorbis are supported
Create MP3 CD/DVD
- Can be played directly with CDDVD players with MP3 support
- Can be played directly with CDDVD players with WMA support
Burn your data!
Backup your precious data like photos, movies and other stuff from your hard disk before its to late! Within a few clicks you have created a backup on CD or DVD.
BurnPro supports Multi Layer DVDs with a capacity of 8,5 Gb.
Not ready to burn your project yet? Just save all project data for later use.
Backing up data couldnt be easier!
Burn your video!
Need to view your holiday movies on TV? Or do you want to burn a DVD you just copied with other authoring software? No problem with BurnPro. Just add MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 files to the project list, and create your (S)uper Video CD.
If you need to burn a DVD, you only need to give the path with the DVD files, and BurnPro takes care of the rest.
Create (S)Video CD
- Can be played with most DVD players
Create Video DVD from prepared folder
- Burn Video DVD from your ripped DVD
Burn or create disc images!
Burn ISO/BIN or CUE files to CD/DVD
- Create a CD/DVD from ISO/CUE/BIN disc image
Create ISO disc image
- Create ISO images from CD or data on your hard disk
- Works under Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista operating system (or higher)
- Easy to use interface
- Create Audio CDs from WAV/WMA/MP3/Ogg Vorbis audio files
- Burn movies as Video DVD, Video CD or Super Video CD
- Create and burn disc images to CD/DVD
- Load and save project files
- Erase CD-RW, DVD-RW+
- Create Data CD/DVDs
- DVD Dual Layer supported
- Burnproof supported
- Drag & Drop functionality
- And much more!
Install Notes:
Install this application and register with serial.
Release Name: MEPMedia.BurnPro.v4.1.Regged-QUANTiZE
Size: 4.5 MB
Download :
Trillian Pro 3.1.13

Without stealing your home page and with no other included software, pop-ups, or spyware, Trillian provides unique functionality such as contact message history, a powerful skinning language, tabbed messaging, global status changes (set all networks away at once), Instant Lookup (automatic Wikipedia integration), contact alerts, an advanced automation system to trigger events based on anything happening in the client, docking, hundreds of emoticons, emotisounds, shell extensions for file transfers, and systray notifications.
Features of Trillian Pro:
� Unification
� Basic Messaging
� SecureIM
� Privacy Settings
� File Transfers
� Direct Connections
� Group Conferences
� Display Pictures
Video Chat
� Real-time Video Chat
� Video Filter Effects
� Image Capture
� Video Capture
� Emotiblips�
� Picture In Picture
� Side By Side
� Full Screen Video
Audio Chat
� Real-time Audio Chat
� Quick Access To Input And Output Controls
� Audio Muting
� Emotiblips�
� Pause Live Video And Audio
� Rewind
� Fast Forward
� "Seek" Slider Bar
� Record Live Video And Audio Clips
� Capture Video Into Image Files
Activity History
� Timeline View
� Summary View
� Bookmarks
� History Search
� Assets
Instant Lookup
� Integrated Web Searching
� Instant Lookup�
Contact List
� Status Panel
� Notification Windows
� Add Extra Information To Contact Tooltip
� Rename Contacts
� Explorer Integration (Drag Files To Contacts)
� Icon View
� Meta Contacts
� Floating Contacts
Message Window
� Panels
� Tabbed Chat Windows
� Emoticons
� Emotisounds
� Timestamping
� Transparent Windows
� Smart Tabs
Serverless IM
� Basic Messaging
� File Transfers
� Display Pictures
� Audio Chat
� Video Chat
� iChat AV Compatible
� 64MB of RAM
� 30MB Hard Drive Space
� Internet Connection
Release Name: Trillian.Pro.v3.1.13.0-TE
Size: 9.98 MB
Download :
ImTOO iPod Computer Transfer

- As an iPod transfer and iPod backup software between iPod and PC for iPod users, ImTOO iPod Computer Transfer helps you transfer iPod music, video and photo to computer local disk and backup iPod to computer, and vice versa. Moreover, it supports file transfer from iPod to iTunes.
- ImTOO iPod Computer Transfer can copy and transfer music/videos among several iPods. You will find that connecting your iPod or iPhone to computer is so easy!
- ImTOO iPod Computer Transfer fully support all iPod models: iPod nano, iPod mini, iPod shuffle, iPod classic, iPod touch Firmware 3.0, and iPhone 3.0.
Key Features:
* Fully support all iPod models: iPod nano, iPod mini, iPod shuffle, iPod classic, iPod touch Firmware 3.0, even iPhone 3.0.
* Use iPhone like a portable hard disk to manage its contents, import and export files between iPhone and PC.
* Easily manage your iPod on any computer with ImTOO iPod Computer Transfer installed to iPod.
* Find what you want as quickly and easily as iTunes with the help of Filter and quick search.
* Show iPod/iPhone information like model, capacity, version number when connecting to the software.
* Support two modes for viewing music, movies and photos, creating new playlist, adding picture for video thumbnails.
* Provide the highest speed to transfer iPod to PC, iPod to iTunes, PC to iPod, iPod to iPod, and multi-language interface.
System Requirements:
OS: Microsoft� Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista, Windows 7 Ready
Processor: 1GHz Intel/AMD processor or above
RAM: 256MB RAM (512MB or above recommended)
Free Hard Disk: 30MB space for installation
Graphic Card: Super VGA (800�600) resolution, 16-bit graphics card or higher
Others: iTunes 8.2
Install Notes:
Replace the original files with the included ones, then register with any name and code.
Release name: ImTOO.iPod.Computer.Transfer.v2.1.35.0717.Cracked-QUANTiZE
Size: 5.97MB
Download :
Animation Workshop 2.0a (patch 24)

OS: Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7(Seven)
Download :
Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009
Avira AntiVir Premium v9.0.0.446

AntiVir Personal offers effective protection against computer viruses for the individual and private use on a single PC-workstation. It detects and removes viruses and includes an Internet-Update Wizard for easy updating.
The built in resident Virus Guard serves to monitor file movements automatically, for example when downloading files from the Internet. Heuristic scanning protects Protection against previously unknown macro viruses. Even though viruses have now grown very numerous, one thing hasn't changed: our commitment to provide you with all-round protection. The reliability of AntiVir is demonstrated in numerous comparison test and references featured in independent trade journals.
Premium Protection:
* AntiVir
* AntiAd/Spyware
* AntiPhishing
* AntiRootkit
* AntiDrive-by
* AntiBot
* EmailScanner
* WebGuard
* RescueSystem
Premium functions:
• Protection against viruses, worms and Trojans
• Protection against expensive dialers
• Detects and deletes rootkits
• NEW: Raised scan speed
• NEW: Redesigned visual appearance
• Protection against phishing
• Protection against spyware
• Special protection against email viruses (POP 3)
• Fast updates through Premium Server
• 5 Euro donation to Auerbach Foundation
• Protection against annoying adware
• NEW: System to create a Rescue-CD
Panda Internet Security 2010 v15.00.00

Anti-Malware Engine
Automatically detects and eliminates viruses, spyware, Trojans, rootkits, bots and other malware before they infect your computer.
- NEW! Panda USB Vaccine protects your USB drives from infection.
- IMPROVED! 80% reduced memory consumption.
- IMPROVED! Scans files in real-time and on-demand.
- IMPROVED! Scans emails before they reach your inbox, regardless of your email program.
- IMPROVED! Scans Internet traffic regardless of your browser type.
- IMPROVED! Scans Instant Messaging traffic in MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and AOL.
- IMPROVED! Removes all traces of clutter left by spyware on your PC.
Advanced Proactive Protection
Technologies from Panda Security are widely recognized as the most effective against new and unknown malware.
- NEW! New detection technologies include generic signatures and remote heuristic scanning from the cloud.
- IMPROVED! Genetic Heuristic Engine combines advanced algorithms to detect new variants of the most dangerous malware families.
- IMPROVED! TruPrevent Technologies 2.0 silently analyze the behavior of programs, blocking those that try to damage your PC. This last line of defence blocks zero-day targeted attacks and terminates any malicious activity that has evaded traditional protection systems.
Personal Firewall
Protects you against Internet-borne worms and hacker attacks.
- IMPROVED! Smart auto-configuration allows good programs to run while blocking malicious ones.
- IMPROVED! Shields your PC from hackers on the Web.
- Wireless Monitor protects your wireless network from intruders.
- Intrusion prevention blocks known and unknown hacker attacks and vulnerability exploits.
Identity Theft Protection
Anti-Rootkit Technology
IMPROVED! Detects and removes silently-installed rootkits used by malware or hackers to evade traditional antivirus products.
Anti-Phishing Filter
Recognizes fraudulent email and protects you from scams while you shop, bank or pay bills online.
Anti-Banking Trojan Engine
Detects the most dangerous identity theft malware used by cyber-criminals to steal banking credentials. Specialized heuristics and generic detection techniques ensure maximum protection for online transactions. NEW!
CA Internet Security Suite Plus 2010 Beta 2

CA Internet Security Suite Plus :
- User-Friendly Interface offers simplicity and superior ease-of-use, helping you quickly and easily set preferences, check program status, and maintain a secure PC
- New! In-product Tutorial helps educate you on the key features and functions of each application within the suite
- Low System Overhead with a total install of only 150 MB and Low usage of system resources, CA Internet Security Suite Plus installs quickly, saves hard drive space, and scans efficiently
- Secure Now provides proactive protection by monitoring critical program functions and settings, and reminding you to keep your security at an optimal level
- Continuous Protection to keep your computer protected from the latest internet risks by automatically renewing your subscription at the then current renewal price (plus applicable tax), so you don't have to (for more information, click here)
- Threat Outbreak Warning System provides real-time content feeds from the CA Security Advisor, giving you detailed, up-to-the-minute information on the most recent and most prevalent virus and spyware threats
- Quick Tips provide you with helpful, at-your-fingertips answers to commonly asked questions, easing the burden of searching the Help file or contacting Support for assistance
- Supported by the CA Security Advisory Team our worldwide research labs work 24 x 7 to detect threats before they can damage your PC, helping ensure protection from the latest threats
CA Internet Security Suite features:
• Supports up to 3 PCs
• Anti-Virus
• Anti-Spyware
• Personal Firewall
• Anti-Spam
• Anti-Phishing
• Parental Controls
• Data Backup and Transfer
- Daily, Fully Automatic Updates easily and effectively address the #1 reason PC users suffer attacks: out-of-date signature files
- Automatic Email Scanning protects against viruses that arrive via email, before they can cause damage
- Scheduled and On-Demand Scanning allow you to run a scan at any time, or schedule scans at pre-selected intervals to meet your needs
- Real-time Scanning proactively stops viruses by scanning files when they are opened, closed or saved to your PC
- Advanced Heuristic Scanning helps detect new threats even before virus protection updates are created
- Interactive Virus Detection Messages provide links to helpful resources in the CA Virus Information Center when threats are detected
- File Quarantine removes threats from their current location to a secure quarantine area to allow you to further review the file
- File Exclusion List allows you to exclude specific files and folders from scans
- Archive Scanning allows you to scan compressed files in a variety of formats
- Certified by Independent Testing Organizations ICSA Labs, West Coast Labs, and Virus Bulletin for effective virus protection
- Comprehensive Spyware Detection and Removal provides comprehensive protection against a wide range of spyware, adware, keyloggers, browser hijackers and other threats
- Real-time Protection detects and removes spyware running in memory, prevents and removes unwanted Browser Helper Objects and browser toolbars, and prevents spyware from making malicious changes to the Registry
- Frequent Automatic Updates help ensure you're protected against the latest threats
- Detailed Scan Results show the specific threat level of any spyware found, and allow you to link to the CA Spyware Information Center for more details
- Scheduled and On-Demand Scanning allow you to run a scan at any time, or schedule scans at pre-selected intervals to meet your needs
- Custom Scans allow you to select specific drives, files and folders to scan
- File Exclusion List allows you to exclude specific files and folders from scans
- Certified by Independent Testing Lab West Coast Labs for effective spyware protection
Personal Firewall:
- Pre-loaded Security Settings give you optimal protection right out of the box, and reduce firewall warnings for known programs
- Application Control informs you when programs attempt to access the Internet, and lets you allow or deny access
- Detailed Alerts allow you to decide how to handle attempts by programs to access the Internet, intrusion attempts, and other security events
- Automatic Network Detection identifies the addition of a new network, and helps ensure proper protection for your local network or router configuration
- Ad Blocking cuts out annoying pop-up and pop-under ads, letting you surf in peace
- ID Theft Protection helps you store sensitive personal information, alerts you when it is about to leave your PC through the Internet or email, and helps you block the transmission if desired
- Email Protection identifies and quarantines potentially harmful email attachments, and prevents mass-mailing worms from propagating
- Cache Cleaner removes sensitive browser history and file clutter, making your PC more efficient and protecting your privacy
Mobile Code Protection allows you to block malicious or untrusted mobile code (javascript, Active X, VBScript, etc.)
- Cookie Control prevents websites from tracking your behavior
- Backup and Restore saves, exports, and imports your entire firewall security policy with the click of a button
- Application Hardening offers advanced sandboxing technology to protect CA Personal Firewall from attacks by hackers, allowing the application to run more safely and securely
- Enhanced Whitelist Technology identifies known ‘good’ and ‘bad’ applications, allows good applications to function without prompting, and blocks ‘bad’ applications from functioning if desired
- Certified by Independent Testing Lab West Coast Labs for effective firewall protection
- Blocks Unwanted Spam by allowing only messages from your approved senders list to reach your Inbox - all other mail is quarantined for you to review later
- Helps Prevent Phishing Attacks and Email Fraud by verifying the authenticity of messages, and displaying a clear visual warning on suspicious emails
- Works Simply and Easily no complicated content filters to set up or manage
- Protects Multiple Email Accounts for all of your Microsoft Exchange and any POP3 mail accounts you have configured in Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail
- Integrates Seamlessly with Microsoft Outlook/Exchange with easy access to all features directly from the toolbar in Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail
- Email Search creates a search index of all information stored in your email program, so you can quickly and easily find messages, attachments, contacts, appointments, journal entries and notes. For English-language Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail only
- Spam Score helps determine which messages are most likely to be spam, resulting in less time reviewing quarantined mail, and less likelihood of missing a good email
- Supports Sender Score Certified allows mail from valid senders of commercial email (such as order confirmations from to be delivered to your Inbox
- International Language Support automatically displays German, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese based on your Windows language settings, and properly filters spam sent in any language
- Import/Export Approved Senders allows you to easily migrate your list of approved senders from one PC to another
*The CA Anti-Spam product is shipped with two libraries licensed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL), CLucene and libspf2. These libraries support the search and anti-phishing components of CA Anti-Spam.
Anti-Phishing (CA Website Inspector):
- Provides protection against fraudulent and malicious websites by showing you who owns the site you are visiting, warning you when you’re accessing a potentially unsafe site, and providing you with an easy-to-understand risk assessment
- Browser Toolbar shows you the physical address of the owner of the site you're viewing, and provides the appropriate risk assessment and rating
- Link Advisor works within email, instant messenger, web and office applications to show you information about the sites you intend to visit before you even click on them, simply by placing your mouse cursor over the link
- Advanced Site Analysis Technology uses multiple databases, algorithms and site owner information sources to analyze web pages and identify risks
- Risk Assessment Indicators provide a color-coded visual warning indicating whether the site is safe, low risk, or high risk, and offer in-depth information on the potential risks associated with the site
- Rating and Alert Indicators evaluate the site’s consumer rating and warn of potential problems on the site
- Data Protection helps guard against sending your personal information to risky sites, providing an alert that lets you decide if you want to send the information
- Personal Information Protection allows you to define any word or phrase you want to keep private (for example, your address, phone number, account numbers, or social security number), warning you when you try to submit it to an untrustworthy site
- Customizable Protection Levels choose to be alerted when you try to send a password, and/or information you've marked as personal, to an unapproved site
- Optional Warning Sound plays a warning beep when you attempt to send protected information to unapproved sites, or when you visit a High Risk site
- Report Submissions allow you to view and contribute to CA's site database, informing CA of dangerous sites or trustworthy sites that you feel have been mislabeled
- Application Support works with a variety of applications including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Microsoft Word, Outlook and Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Yahoo! Instant Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk, and more
Parental Controls:
- Advanced Filtering Technology provides real-time dynamic content filtering, helping to ensure protection from inappropriate content at all times, regardless how recent the content is
- Multilayer Filtering combines advanced filtering technology with a pre-classified database, URL cache categorization, tagging capabilities, and customized site lists to help provide comprehensive Internet coverage
- Flexible User Profiles allow you to create and define up to ten user profiles, each with its own password-protected login and filtering profile
- Time Restrictions allow you to limit the time each child can spend on the Internet on a daily basis
- Selectable Filtering Categories offer 9 filtering categories for commonly blocked types of websites (Adult, Weapons, Gambling, Chat, Webmail, Hate, Drugs, Sport, Dating)
- Advanced Filtering Policies allow you to define filtering policies for each child’s profile, including personalized allow/block lists; the ability to block access to all sites, except the ones explicitly specified; and restricting Internet access during certain parts of the day
- Customizable Features including setting the blocking message to be presented, controlling product updates and advanced settings
- Security Controls help ensure that children cannot disable or uninstall the product, or change their filtering profile - all administration functions are password protected, all reports and logs are encrypted, and the product is password protected against uninstallation
- Extensive Reporting Capabilities allow you to easily generate several types of reports for each child’s profile, providing details on web activity, including all sites that were accessed, which sites were allowed, and which sites were blocked
- Supports Leading Content Rating Systems including ICRA and SafeSurf
- Automatic Updates provide up-to-date coverage
Data Backup and Transfer (CA Desktop DNA® Migrator):
- Easy-to-Use Wizard Interface quickly guides you through the steps to perform a data backup or transfer (migration)
- Backup and Restore allows you to run scheduled or on-demand backups of your PC’s DNA (data, settings and preferences), save it to a CD or DVD to protect it from an unforeseen incident, and easily restore it if necessary
- Data Migration allows you to quickly stream your PC’s DNA directly from your old PC to your new PC using an Ethernet crossover cable; or, create a DNA file to transfer to your new PC
- Typical and Custom Backup and Migration Types let you perform a backup or migration of your most popular settings and data in just a few easy steps, or customize exactly what you want to backup or transfer
- Cross-Operating System and Application Migration allow you to seamlessly migrate the settings you have customized on your old PC and in the older versions of your applications, to the new version of the operating system and application
- Self-Extracting Files for easy data restores and deferred migrations, a self-extracting DNA file is created, allowing you to restore your DNA or transfer the DNA file to your new PC over a network or from a CD or DVD. Once the DNA file is on your new PC, simply double-click on the file and the migration will take place automatically transferring your DNA to your new PC.
- Automated Disk-Spanning automatically spans DNA files to the size of a CD and places the files in a folder on the desktop, for easy movement to a CD, DVD, or other removable media
- Summary Screens provide a comprehensive logging feature to track the progress and success of the backup or migration
- Undo File allows you to easily return your PC to its pre-migration state
- Web Update Feature keeps your software up-to-date
System Requirements:
- Supported OS:
32 bit: Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Home, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows Home Server
32 and 64* bit: Windows Vista Home Basic/Home Premium/Business/Ultimate - Minimum Service Pack required: Windows 2000 w/SP4+UPDATE ROLLUP 1, XP Home/Pro/Media Center w/ SP2+
- Component Products included: CA Anti-Virus, CA Anti-Spyware, CA Anti-Spam, CA Personal Firewall, Website Inspector, Parental Controls, CA Backup and Migration
- 512 MB RAM
- 800 MHz or higher Pentium-compatible processor
- Internet Explorer 6 or higher (IE 7 for Windows Vista)
- CD-ROM Drive (If installing from a CD)
- Internet Access
- Hard Disk Space: 332 MB
- Hard Disk Space
- Initial requirement for extraction of setup files: 185 MB
- Required in installation directory: 169 MB
- Download Size: 137.97 MB
Dr.Web v5.00.1.08030 Pro

Dr.Web protects file and mail servers, separate workstations, corporate networks and Internet gateways worldwide. Large national Telcompanies choose Dr.Web for mail servers for its high-performance, stable operation and irreproachable detection of viruses combined with extremely low false detection rate. Dr.Web defends file servers of large businesses and data storages of universities and research institutes. Each and every piece of network receives protection by Dr.Web.
Created in the early 90s in Russia by Igor Daniloff, Dr.Web® has always reflected its author’s basic philosophy: security means no compromise. Many innovations marked by Dr.Web has long become a standard for the AV industry, for example, cross-platform structure. Having appeared as the response to the growing threat of polymorphic viruses, Dr.Web Anti-virus still remains in the lead, always showing 100% results in the Virus Bulletin comparative reviews for this type of the most complicated viruses.
The other feature that has always distinguished the Dr.Web® anti-virus from its competitors is its low memory/resource usage, so that this AV remains unnoticeable to a user. This low footprint TOGETHER with its high detection abilities have attracted millions of users around the world to Dr.Web.
Dr.Web® for Windows main components:
* The Dr.Web® scanner with graphical interface - It scans the selected by a user objects on drives by request, detects and neutralizes viruses in memory, checks autorun files and processes.
* On-access monitor SpIDer Guard™ - It intercepts in a real time mode all accesses to files, detects and blocks suspicious behaviour of programs.
* SpIDer Mail® resident mail filter - Assures safe work with e-mail messages scanning POP3/SMTP/IMAP/NNTP protocols. Provides a top-level security for handling both Inbound and Outbound e-mail.
* The Dr.Web command line scanner - Scans selected objects on drives by request, detects and neutralizes viruses in memory, checks autorun files and processes.
* The automatic updating utility - Downloads updates of the virus bases and program modules, and also conducts a registration procedure and delivers the license or the demo key files.
* The Scheduler - Schedules automations for the anti-virus protection, for example, virus bases updates, scanning of computer drives, scanning of autorun files.
Multilevel protection of your computer by Dr.Web for Windows:
* Any files potentially dangerous for a system are scanned by the SpIDer Guard resident monitor in a real time mode immediately after they come to your computer. Any file, whether it is written from an external carrier (diskette, CD-ROM, Flash-disk, smart card and so on), or a file downloaded from another computer from the network, or a file attached to a mail message - they all will be perceived by a SpIDer Guard's watchful eye and come to a disk only after they receive a "green light" from this impartial guard.
* Any mail message sent to your e-mail address before it comes to your mail box on the local disk will be checked by the SpIDer Mail mail filter, and if nothing dangerous is found, it will be passed through. Even if the virus is hidden in the archived file, as many mail worms do now, the Dr.Web Anti-virus engine will certainly find it inside. Even the crafty trick of a password protected archive with a virus from the latest arsenal of virus writers will not pose an obstacle for the Dr.Web anti-virus. Besides, SpIDer Mail scan prevents distribution of viruses from the infected computer even if this variety of virus is not included into the virus base.
* Dr.Web for Windows can also detect and neutralize the viruses existing only in the main computer memory and which are never met in the form of files. These are notorious CodeRed and Slammer, which have overflown the world with the epidemics and caused multibillion damages.
* Finally, Dr.Web for Windows allows you, in the overwhelming majority of cases, not only to cure the infected files, but also to remove the viral traces from different elements of the system, regardless their sophisticated masquerading tricks. All these actions can be performed by the Dr.Web anti-virus engine itself, without help of any additional utilities, which must be first downloaded from the Internet and only then applied.
Billing WHMCS v4.0
* Multi-currency support including ability to set prices in each currency, auto update currency rates via cron, option to set per gateway if passed actual amount or converted to a specific currency for processing, financial report updates
* Billable items feature which enables adding of entries to bill with future invoices, on future dates or recur on custom cycles for preset time periods
* Ability to force the generation of an invoice for a products renewal due outside of the invoice date range
* Refund entry ability for all invoices regardless of whether the gateway module supports it with option to run gateway module automation if available
* Modified invoices to support multi-line item descriptions
* Listing of configurable option selections on invoices for products
* New Collections status for invoices to differentiate from unpaid stats
* New promotion options to allow once per customer and only for new users promos
* Upgrade & domain renewal orders will now also use the order days grace setting for their invoices
* Separation of Setup Fees onto their own line items for new order invoices
* Update to product cancellation request auto processing to also cancel any related addons
* Enhanced admin order process to show custom field & configurable option values for selected product during order removing the extra step to configure later
* Ability to add a transaction where payment amount applies to multiple invoices
* Enhancements to prorata calculations to support charge next month usage to dates mid month
* Ability to add predefined products to quotes
* Optional VAT Number Validation Action Hook for verifying supplied VAT number is valid and setting tax exempt status on client for order
* Ability to setup and assign clients to groups which differentiate clients in lists and allow applying of blanket discounts to all orders by users of that group and to override auto suspensions/terminations
* Modified client area product details to show custom field values by default
* Option to skip fraud check for existing clients with an already active order thereby always allowing additional orders through
* Modified client area my details change notification to include custom fields
* Support Ticket Escalation Rules
* Ability to generate an invoice or add a billing item when replying to a support ticket in order to bill for work carried out
* Support for multiple attachments per support ticket reply
* Updated email piping to handle multiple to addresses
* Added network issues rss feed of open issues
* Ability to assign knowledgebase articles to multiple categories
* Added “quote reply” option to support tickets view page
* Improvements to the usability & GUI of the Admin Ticket View/Reply Page
* Admin area templated header/footer with ability to set template per admin
* Recoding of entire admin area HTML to use CSS styling
* New default admin area template in addition to existing design which remains available
* Listing of valid quotes added to client summary page and new client profile tab for viewing all the users quotes
* New API functions to manage quotes & orders
* Moved PDF invoice template to templates folder to avoid overwriting customisations when upgrading
* Added logging of the to, cc & bcc recipients of email messages
* Modified invoice & ticket statuses to use CSS for font colors
* New and improved action hook functionality with more hook points and flexibility for distributing hooks as independent files
* Ability to set minimum & maximum length restrictions per TLD to override the defaults which only exist for common TLDs
* Ability to duplicate a configurable options group
* Ability to set a regular expression validation rule for custom fields
* Batch PDF invoice download generator with criteria of client, date range & status
* Enhancements to graphing engine to support multiple datasets on a single graph
* Updated sales tax report date selection to use min/max year from DB rather than fixed range
Download :
Ultra Surf 9.5 Portable

Completely transparent data transfer and high level encryption of the content allow you to surf the web with high security.
UltraSurf allows you to overcome the censorship and blockage on the Internet. You can browse any website freely, so as to obtain true information from the free world.
Download :
Password :
Desktop Lock 7.1.2

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And the most important thing is that you can use bootable USB Flash Disk almost everywhere, on any PC that has USB port. Are you going to repair your PC at your work without CD-ROMs, floppies or other media? No problems anymore. Or you have a laptop but without a CD-ROM drive? Even if with a CD-ROM drive, you can\'t work with it for a long time: boot device is accessed quite often, and battery power is obviously not enough to supply laser for a long time. Perhaps you are home user with a desktop PC. And you are ready to repair it with your favorite bootable CD-ROM, OK. But what if CD-ROM drive fails? Will you be able to boot or to get your backup data back?
With bootable USB Flash Memory key, you may boot every PC with USB ports, regardless of non-present or broken devices, because there\'s no need for any extra devices. You don\'t have a media size limit of 700 or 800 MB anymore, and buy a big or a small disk depending on your needs. Just after boot, on every PC, you may save your files to the same device from which you booted, or restore them back. There\'s no need to reformat (reburn) the boot disk, you just copy files and folders, and there\'s no need for extra hardware for such operations. Of course you may do some things you can\'t do under your OS: copy/modify system files (they are busy when OS is running), reinstall OS, repartition your main hard disk etc.
FlashBoot is a tool that makes USB disks bootable. It was specially designed to work with USB Flash devices. It is used to reformat flash disk (that\'s optional) and transfer system files to it. You have many options for your choice:
* convert BartPE bootable CD-ROM to bootable USB disk
* transfer DOS kernel only (you may get the files from installed Windows 9x, from Windows 9x setup folder, or use built-in FreeDOS)
* convert floppy disk to USB Flash disk (a diskette or an image file may be used)
* convert a bootable CD-ROM to USB Flash disk (again images are supported). There are some technical difficulties with supporting any type of CD-ROM here, see details below. But there should be no troubles with the most real cases. You may convert Knoppix and EBCD, for instance.
* create Windows NT/2000/XP password recovery disk
* create disk with NT/2000/XP bootloader. It would be useful when you have mistakenly configured it, and boot.ini file was left on unreachable disk (NTFS).
* duplicate USB flash disk. Just creates a copy of existing disk USB flash disk, different sizes of source and destination medias are OK.
Types of convertible CD-ROMs include so-called 1.44-floppy emulation bootable CD-ROMs and no-emulation CD-ROMs based on ISOLinux.
FlashBoot is designed to be compatible with all types of bootable USB Flash disks, i.e. it is not binded to Transend, Kingston, HP, or to any other particular manufacturer of USB Flash disks.
FlashBoot is designed to be compatible with most of the BIOSes. Some of them require USB disk to be partitioned (USB-HDD mode), some of them require superfloppy format (USB-ZIP mode). You may choose disk format type between partitioned disk and superfloppy, when formatting your USB Flash disk with FlashBoot (if you choose to reformat). You may write the output to image file, transfer it to another PC and write it to physical device there (either with FlashBoot or with any other suitable tool, for example, with Linux dd command).
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Blog Jet

The other significant advantage of the program is that it offers enhanced weblog editing feature that blog services themselves do not offer or that are too complicated to use. One of these features is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) text editor that enables users to insert bullets, numeration, change font size, color and type just like in MS Word. Another great feature is an option to insert pictures or even own speech fragments (a microphone is required) without having to write a single line of HTML code. After all, most folks started weblogs to get the word out and with BlogJet 1.0 they can literally speak out! BlogJet is also a weblog management utility.
Features :
- WYSIWYG Editor
- Images
- Flickr and YouTube Support
- Spell Checker
- Auto Replace
- File Attachments
- Post Management and Searching
- Word Counter and Blog Statistics
- Drafts
- Blog Autodiscovery
- Integration with Browsers and Feed Readers
- Supports All Leading Blog Services
- Current Music Detection
- 20 High-Quality Smileys
- Right Typography
- Group Posting
- Modern Interface
Download :
Jumat, 03 Juli 2009
Lumos Data Rescuer v3.1.0.2
When a file is deleted from the Recycle Bin, or if the recycle bin is bypassed altogether, the file can no longer be recovered by the Windows Operating system. The content of the file still remains on the drive, relatively intact, until the section of the drive it occupies is overwritten by another file.
Lumos Data Rescuer identifies the contents of such lost files on the hard drive and allows you to recover them. If a file has been partially overwritten, Lumos Data Rescuer attempts to reconstruct as much of the file as possible with the remaining contents. This allows you to salvage at least part, if not all, of that recovered file to continue using it as required.
Feature List
* Recovery of deleted files such as Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point, image, text, msn message history, and so on.
* Recovery of missing files(s) and folder(s) from your hard disk.
* File and folders recovery after the deleted file and folder is being emptied from Recycle Bin.
* Undelete deleted files & folders deleted by the use of Shift+Del key.
* Provides recovery of data lost due to accidental file deletion.
* Recover files from formatted drive and search by file types
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Sleep Moon Xpress 2.0.0

With Sleep Moon Xpress, remotely or automatically, controlling your computer will become a piece of cake. It can be used in multiple scenarios and situations, from as simple as displaying a notification at 4:30:50 PM to as complex as rebooting your computer using a Bluetooth mobile phone equipped with a camera.
Yes you heard right! This software product uses our BlueActiv Technology, which is an advanced piece of software technology allowing you to remotely control your computer using any Bluetooth or Infrared enabled device.
How? Ok let us say that you have a Bluetooth enabled phone with an integrated camera (you can also do without a camera) and a Bluetooth dongle installed on your computer. Now snap a picture with your mobile phone and rename it to "restart" and using Bluetooth send it to your computer. As soon as it is received, Sleep Moon Xpress will automatically restart your computer. This will also work with various others commands such as "shutdown" "run" and "alarm".
But that is not all! Sleep Moon Xpress can also work using several others advanced methods such as WTP Mobile Technology which allows you to trigger off any pre-defined command by simply typing in the Host Computer's IP Address in any internet browser.
Believe it or not you can also shutdown your computer with a clap, thanks to the Sound Sensitive Consoles mechanism built into Sleep Moon Xpress!
Tips & Tricks on using Sleep Moon Xpress:
Auto shutdown your computer after a certain download has been complete to save on electricity consumption and Go Green!
Let Sleep Moon Xpress active with WTP Mobile Technology enabled so that you can remotely shutdown your computer in case of a thunderstorm warning.
Learning about Command line parameters and how to create .bat files, will make Sleep Moon Xpress' possibilities, endless!
Size : 11.3 MB
Download :
Blog Archive
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