The problem of forgetting
We do forget. Nothing stays in our brain forever without reviews. If something is important to you, you'll think about it from time to time?these repetitions, conscious or not, will reinforce your memory of this fact. We often come across new information and we want to keep it in memory even though we may not need it for the next weeks, months or even years. In order to not forget we have to do repetitions. However, how much time spent on repetitions is optimal? What is the optimal time of a review?
FullRecall is the solution here. Ensures that you remember new things, but don't forget what you have already memorized. Reviews are scheduled on days when you're close to forgetting, so sometimes you may actually forget an information, but FullRecall learns from these mistakes, self-corrects scheduling, to minimize chances of such lapses in the future.
In practice: how does work with FullRecall look like?
The software is similar to common flashcard programs: knowledge is stored in question-answer pairs. You add the question-answer pairs yourself (coming up with a concise, clear-cut question-answer pair, for every information, is a learning experience by itself), or use ready-made question-answer collections. In review mode you'll have presented the questions, one by one. To every question you'll think about an answer, and after a while you'll be confronted with the correct answer. After seeing the correct answer, you'll be asked for a grade that estimates how well you remembered the correct answer. The grade gives FullRecall a feedback. The program stores also other data, given current grade is able to schedule next optimal review time (and later learn itself if there was a mistake: if scheduled interval was too long or too short?i.e., if your grade on the next review is below or above "good"). With FullRecall you can learn new things fast, without worrying about repetitions of what you remember?the software assures that even if you forget something that is in your FullRecall learning database, you'll be soon reminded about it.
Price is US$35. Free version has the following limitations:
database size up to 500 elements
no network import/export: you cannot keep your learning database on a FullRecall server
no searching by "fuzzy matching"
no possibility to add images
no possibility to merge databases
no access to the online version
Selected features of the PC version
scheduling of repetitions is taken care of by neural network that learns about your pace of learning
support for Unicode, open file formats, images, sounds
text formatting (bold, underline, strikeout)
possibility to do almost everything from keyboard
multi-platform (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X (x86), Maemo (beta), and non-PC versions with limitations: Pocket-PC, online on the web)
network import/export
auto-backups with compression
graphical and textual statistics
auto-grab-clipboard mode to facilitate in rapid creation of question-answer collections
search supporting regular expressions and "fuzzy search"
no external dependencies, possibility to work from an USB memory stick without installing on every new computer
program is lightweight and fast; further development takes place, so you can expect new features and improvements
You are welcome to read what the users say or start gathering knowledge effectively with the help of FullRecall by downloading the program now.
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