If you need to download entire website and converter web to chm, use the Web2EBook.
It can download entire website or download web pages, convert htm to chm or htm to text .It is a powerful chm maker, convert web to chm.
Web2EBook is a web spider. It provides accurate analysis of web content and penty interactive interface to select which htm pages to download, also you can specify which kind of resource to download.
Web2EBook is also an offline browser and view download web pages in it after download website.
Fast download website, convert htm to chm or htm to txt
* Downloading up to 20 files simultaneously , download any website to your hard drive completely or partially in minutes.
* Select the type of resource to download, such as image(jpg,gif), audio(mp3,wma,wav), video(flv,swf,wmv), etc
* Convert htm to chm or htm to text fast, watch directly in mobile device or sony PlayStation Portable(PSP)
Download website or download web pages which you wanted
* Download entire website(Auto mode) or choose download web page(Collection mode) ,and set download depth
* Auto mode, select pages freely when download website
* Collenttion mode, select related link pages you wanted before download website, which makes a good chm(web pages collentor)
* Set max web resource size, max number of resources, and can be changed in the process of download website
* Agents can set up to download website
* Change the HTML tag contained in the HTML pages
System requirement :
Windows system NT, 2K, XP, 2003, Vista
Download :
It can download entire website or download web pages, convert htm to chm or htm to text .It is a powerful chm maker, convert web to chm.
Web2EBook is a web spider. It provides accurate analysis of web content and penty interactive interface to select which htm pages to download, also you can specify which kind of resource to download.
Web2EBook is also an offline browser and view download web pages in it after download website.
Fast download website, convert htm to chm or htm to txt
* Downloading up to 20 files simultaneously , download any website to your hard drive completely or partially in minutes.
* Select the type of resource to download, such as image(jpg,gif), audio(mp3,wma,wav), video(flv,swf,wmv), etc
* Convert htm to chm or htm to text fast, watch directly in mobile device or sony PlayStation Portable(PSP)
Download website or download web pages which you wanted
* Download entire website(Auto mode) or choose download web page(Collection mode) ,and set download depth
* Auto mode, select pages freely when download website
* Collenttion mode, select related link pages you wanted before download website, which makes a good chm(web pages collentor)
* Set max web resource size, max number of resources, and can be changed in the process of download website
* Agents can set up to download website
* Change the HTML tag contained in the HTML pages
System requirement :
Windows system NT, 2K, XP, 2003, Vista
Download :
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