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Senin, 15 Juni 2009


LanAgent - Your tool for detecting leaks of important information, as well as the fact of negotiating with competitors.

The program consists of 2 parts - part of a user (agent) and the administrative part. Admin part is the computer administrator, and agents to the client. Agents monitor all user activities on each computer, and the administrative part of a centralized collection of information produced by the network (polling agent), then the administrator could view the data on your computer and make a record.

At the users' computers, the information gathered is stored in encrypted files. It will be stored there until the administrator's part of no request for the logs. After delivery, the log files will be cleaned up. Log files are automatically protected from the removal of the program, viewing and copying.

Architecture of the program is set up so that the agent on the user's computer can be operated independently of the administrator's part. Shutting down the administrator's machine does not affect agents. That is, if the administrator computer is off, the agent will store information in encrypted files on your computer. Then, you can turn the computer administrator and update the accumulated logs.

Exchange of information is determined by the protocol TCP / IP. ??? You need to know only the ip-address of the computer on which you installed the agent to administrative part of the program was able to connect to it.

Logs on a user's computer can be stored as long as you want. Theoretically, their size is limited only by the size of free space. Nevertheless, it is possible to set limits on their size, whereas when it exceeds the log files on a user's computer will be cleaned up. Please note that the larger the user logs in, the longer will be the process of obtaining logs of administrator.

Agents are run at each start Windows. Also by default on every Windows startup automatically start monitoring. Optionally, you can disable the automatic start of monitoring. To do this, select the appropriate administrator of the computer in the list, right-click menu and select "User Preferences". See the box - start monitoring when loading Windows. You can remove this check, then the agent will be started at boot time on Windows, but will not be monitored, but will just wait for commands from the administrator's machine.

Year: 2009
Developer: NetworkProfi
Compatibility with Vista: complete

System requirements: Minimum system requirements for the work of the agent LanAgent Standard, Enterprise (on a computer controlled)

-Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista
-Processor Intel Pentium 3 (or equivalent) and above
- 128 MB RAM
- 30 MB free disk space.
Tabletka: Present
LanAgent - program for the covert surveillance of computers on the LAN. It is designed to control user behavior.
LanAgent monitors and monitor activity on any computer connected to the network of your organization. The program will identify the activities and not related to work, show how good your staff are using work time.

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